Tuesday, May 22, 2007

zOMG a blog!!

Welcome to my blog! Ummmmm, let's see........ what should I write? I have a rather boring life, filled with interesting things. >_> Umm, that doesn't sound right. >_>

Well, I really am into music. Currently, my favorite artist is Moya Brennan (sister of Enya), but that changes from time to time. The video currently on the right (click on it to watch it at the top of the screen) column is her singing one of my favorite songs, Black Night. I also like the Scottish band Capercaillie.

I also like photography. I have a small digital camera, and I love taking pictures of flowers, especially rhododendrons. I'll post some eventually, but my more recent ones are not uploaded yet. >_>

I also play some video games, though not very seriously (only ~1 hour a day, if that). Although I think it is a bit young for me, I am back into Pokémon (following the release of two completely new games). Although I used to be a serious Animal Crossing-er, I don't play that anymore. The other main video game I play is Brain Age. =P

I do have one younger brother, and he's (unfortunately) obsessed with James Bond. *rolls eyes*

Today was a partially interesting day, since I had a dentist appointment after school. That was the only mildly interesting thing that happened today. It went fine, no cavities. =D

Now I am coming down with a case of writer's block (and remembering that I need to put that video in), so I will close now.

~Twintree :)

1 comment:

ZaPaper said...

Btw, I like your flower pix. Seems like you are on your way to being a really good photographer. If you are serious about it, maybe you should get your uncle J to show you some stuff about flower photography. He's pretty good at it too, and I bet he'd be happy to. Y'know he's gonna be an art professor next year. Hard to imagine it!